Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Progress is being made...slowly.

Well I saw disability yesterday and got the information on self-employment and it's better than expected and I don't have to worry about complexity because my sister the number-cruncher is taking care of that part for me...I see that she's been doodling numbers in tidy little lists out there already.

I finally have a completely stable bond and toppers that don't bend unless you bend them on purpose. YAY. I also have four sticks to mail out to my testers after I seal them. Wanna see Artist, Shesha's lighter and more bohemian sister?

Friday, October 26, 2007

The devil is in the details

I have so many things to do before I will be confident in opening my Etsy shop. I'll probably open it sometime in December so that I can do a few trial runs with Paypal and so on...get the hang of that everything is ready for January 1, 2008.

I have an appointment to see the 'financial' people to make sure I have all the rules sister will likely take care of the tricky bits in that matter. Then I have to get my header designed asap as well as logos and other branding (term discovered on Etsy though I had always planned to do it...I just didn't have a name for it) items, so that I can finish getting the packaging stuff and designing it properly.

Then I have to go to the post office and iron all that out.

Then I have to change my Paypal account to business.

Meanwhile I have to make many, many more sticks, and more of my hammered bookmarks, and a load of earrings and the clip barrettes and will the list ever end?

Then I revamp all my photos and start snapping away.

Then I open the shop. Eek.

Meanwhile, have a picture of one of the sticks that will be going onto Etsy. This is cloisonne and glass. See what mean about needing to revamp the photos?

More testing

Testing the other link type...this is Hunter's Moon, one of my sets of topper sticks. I wish I still had enough of the carnelian to make another set...I'd like to have them myself but I sold 'em a year ago.

First photo for Blogger

Um, I really don't know what I'm doing yet. I'm so used to Livejournal! Let me see if I can post a picture of one of my hairsticks...

It worked, right?

Darn, NOT as good as Livejournal for displays of photography.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just testing Blogger out to see if it meets my current blogging needs...